Site Statistics and Visit Counter extensions released (paid).

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Site Statistics and Visit Counter extensions released (paid).

Post by Pablo »

Site Statistics
This extension keeps track of total and unique visitors per page with the possibility to show the results in a simple chart.

• Supports 3 modes: Text, Image, Invisible.
• 25 image styles are included (scalable).
• Keep track of total and unique visits.
• Ignores visits of search bots.
• For each visit the date, IP address and user agent will be stored in a MySQL database (one record per visit).
• Built-in chart (lines, bars, or pie) to display the statistics in a chart image. This image can be used anywhere in your website.
• Many text styles options: font, shadow, background, border, padding etc.


More information:

Visit Counter
This extension keeps track of the number of unique and total visits per page.

• Supports 3 modes: Text, Image, Invisible.
• 25 image styles are included (scalable).
• Keep track of total and unique visits.
• Ignores visits of search bots.
• Store visits of all pages in a single MySQL or a flat file. One record per page.
• Many text styles options: font, shadow, background, border, padding etc.


More information:

Demo versions can be downloaded via the Extension Manager (Menu->Tools->Extension Manager->Online Gallery->Navigation).

Purchase Site Statistics for $7.95 ... T=1&CARD=1

Purchase Visit Counter for $7.95 ... T=1&CARD=1
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Site Statistics and Visit Counter extensions released (paid).

Post by Pablo »

What are the differences between Visit Counter and Site Statistics?
The Visit Counter extension maybe be easier to setup because it also supports a flat file and it uses less storage space. On the other hand, the Site Statistics extension has a built-in chart and logs more information about the visitors.

Here is an overview of the main differences: