In Memorium template

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In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

I am looking for a template to build a few "in memory" pages. Specifically, I'm trying to something very similar to that of one of the more popular "build it on line" website. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the URL or name of a company the builds websites for a fee so I'll just describe the page.

The background is a full width/page image that is stationary as the page scrolls. A horizontal menu is centered at the top with 5 categories, one of which is a "contact me" that is used for friends and relatives to post comments via email about the person (like a funeral home would).

This menu is actually located about 80 pixels below the top of the page and the page content is enclosed in a box another 80-100 pixels below that, with the stationary image showing in the background. That front page container has a photo at the top, two columns of words and a slide show gallery of about 10 images at the bottom... It's like it floats on top of the background.

The menu and content box scroll in front of the stationary background. The content does not appear to be responsive, which would be nice, instead it appears to be fixed at about 980px.

Maybe I'm asking for a template, or a how to, in order to place content within a defined container on a stationary background and below the top of the page by some defined distance?

OR, maybe a template already exists to memorialize an individual or even a pet for that matter and I can't find it?

Thanks for listening.
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by BaconFries »

As far as I know there is no template(s) like what you describe for WB. As it is very specific to your needs it would require it be be custom made and may need payment to meet your needs.
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

Actually, I'm working on it and I think I am going to be able to figure it out IF I can figure out how to get my content in a box... I may have a solution with layout grids. Am I allowed to mention a specific company that builds websites here?
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

Still working on this but have to question "how to". I've made use of the built-in slide show using the conveyor belt to display about 10 photos. The conveyor works fine but... there is an option to open the images in a lightbox. I have fancybox set and, in fact, the image WILL open in a fancybox but not in a normal fashion as I must individually set the width and height for each photo to get it to work. And, none of the other "standard fancybox settings" seem to work. I'm suspecting this is because the carousel sets the lighbox to open in an iframe. So...if I can get a pointer here...
This is what I see in the page html...

function displaylightbox(url, options)
options.padding = 0;
options.autoScale = true;
options.href = url;
options.type = 'iframe';

I am assuming, perhaps wrongly, that i can put my fancybox options here, things like border, padding, title, etc. but the question is "how" do i put them. As an example, on all other pages I'm using fancybox, I have added this between the head tags..

<style type="text/css">
#fancybox-content {
border-color: #EC8826 !important;
#fancybox-title-outside {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;
color: #ffffff;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 5px;
border-color: #f2e8d5;
border-radius: 8px;
background-color: #142539;

AND everything works according to plan ... but it doesn't do anything when I use it, or the internals settings, with the carousel. Does anybody know how to make the fancybox lightbox work with the conveyor slideshow WITH borders and Title?

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Re: In Memorium template

Post by protectourlands »

Did you try using the Settings button when you click to Open in Lightbox? You can force height and width in there.
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

I did try using settings but for whatever reason, while I am able to set height and width, none of the other settings work. Usually when you tell the software to "open in a light box" you can click on settings, at which point you have an option to select the "type of lightbox" ie; slimbox, prettybox, magnific etc. This option does not exist when using the conveyor extension??? At the end of the day, at least the file opens in a lightbox at the proper size and with an X in the corner to close I'll be living with that until something better comes along or I find a CSS conveyor that serves the same purpose to use.

Thanks for the reply
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by protectourlands »

You can set the default lightbox for the page in the Page Properties > Miscellaneous > Lightbox

Not sure why the only working attributes placed in Advanced are height and width.

Can I see how you wrote them?
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

the attributes that I am using in the lightbox settings are exactly the same as those I use in other pages where I am NOT using the conveyor photo extension and in multiple pages, they work. I have the correct lightbox specified in page properties but for grins, have tried three different lightbox specs in page properties ... all of which do not show up as options to use when clicking on the "settings" when using the built-in carousel/conveyor photo extension. I'm pretty certain that it must have something to do with the photo conveyor displaying in an iframe but really doesn't matter because while I can't force titles or borders, it does work and for now, that's what counts.

Thanks again for helping
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by protectourlands »

Different lightboxes support different attributes, as well as different versions of the same lightbox. This is why I asked to see what you are writing and how. You should check to see which options are supported for the lightbox you have chosen to use and how they should be written.

You can choose from several lightbox options if you have installed them into the app. It is possible the lightbox you have chosen will not support the attributes you are trying to apply.
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

I am using "fancybox" - it is specified in Page Settings as well. I am using the built-in conveyor belt slide show. when setting up the slide show, there is an option to open in a light box BUT - fancybox (nor any other) is not a option... only settings. My settings work in every other page where I'm using them with - fancybox - without issue and there are some 15 pages using this option without any problems. When opening the link target in the conveyor belt slide show, using settings that work on every other page - do not work here.

one example of one of my settings (that works)

and because I can specify fancybox in the settings, I don't need height and width as it is automatic.

I am aware of and have used different lightboxes with their applicable settings.

Again, I believe this is an issue with the conveyor belt slide show and it's display in an iFrame.... thanks again for your input though...every little bit helps.
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Re: In Memorium template

Post by LJLachance »

I'm still working on my idea of an "in memorium" page (actually multiple memorials to those who have died). I'm now looking for a simple and effective way to allow viewers of a particular page (person) to leave a comment for that page only.

I've looked at both the bootstrap and PHP guestbook and while they may work, I like the 'FaceBook' comment plug-in the way it displays but I don't want to have any connection to FaceBook. Is anybody aware of any extension that may allow a user to comment on a particular page subject, preferably without a MySQL database?

Thanks, as always, for everyone's support.
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