I took a look at your project and created a demo from scratch with just the layer. I could see the image in all the breakpoints in the workspace but when previewed the image disappears in the breakpoints.
@Pablo, one thing I noticed in looking at the code is that the height of the "parallax__container" changes in the breakpoint. In my demo, it had a height of 482px but in the breakpoint it goes to zero. Also noticed the <div> inside with class "parallax" height changes dramatically and it should be the same as the default. Not sure if this helps or not to locate the issue.
With further testing, here is what I found:
layer mode = default, with or without relative horizontal sizing -- works in default but not BP's. same issue as above.
layer mode = header/footer, with or without relative horizontal size -- works in default but no BP's. same issue as above.
layer mode = docking layer -- works in default but no BP's. same issue as above.
layer mode = floating layer, floating mode = full width -- works!
layer mode = floating layer, floating mode = default -- works!
layout grid -- images shows up in both workspace and preview but no parallaxing.
tested in 64bit
On a layout grid, what I found interesting is the background image stays as 'cover' but the content within the layout grid actually parallaxes!
However, I noticed this code was missing in comparison to a floating layer (not sure if all is needed for a layout grid):
Code: Select all
#wb_LayoutGrid1 .parallax__container {
clip: rect(0, auto, auto, 0);
height: 100%;
left: 0;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: -100;
When I added the above code, it seems to work now for layout grid but needs more testing.
hopefully some of this helps.