
This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.

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Post by davehappen »

Hi All, I have 2 snippets of code I need to go on to a web page, there is nothing else on the page, but no matter where i place the code, it either appears above the header or below the footer. I have a master page, is there any way to get the code to appear between header and footer.
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Re: code

Post by BaconFries »

Without seeing what you are trying to do makes it difficult to say. What is the code is it jQuery or JavaScript etc? is the code wrapped in its own <div></div> this would explain why it is not getting positioned correctly. You can also use the following to add / insert code. But without more information it not possible to say.
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Re: code

Post by davehappen »

hi bacon fries, the html editor only gives me the same choices as page html
here's the scripts im trying to get on the page!Ar_qzWsihagxh51WC0J ... g?e=ivoCFC

hope this helps you understand

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Re: code

Post by Pablo »

The first part needs to be pasted between the head tags of the Page HTML.
The second part needs to be inserted in an HTML object.
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Re: code

Post by davehappen »

Brilliant, got it thanks.
New site will be up and running soon, if your customers need a chat bot, I give good rates for WWb users.
Many thanks Again

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