Mobile Device Screen Width when using Bookmark

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Mobile Device Screen Width when using Bookmark

Post by code2 »


Came across this issue with using a Bookmark outside the WWB Design area. I have seen some of the WWB Designers' Youtube videos where the instruction is to place the Bookmark in the location you want but just outside the design area.

This sort of makes sense, because when using Layout Grids, Card Containers, Bookmarks either just float in that space or sometimes even it seems to go behind an object and then you cannot access the Bookmark easily.

Anyway, I did what was suggested and on an Android and iOS mobile device, the screen widths do not behave not as expected. It is like the bookmark is invisible (as it should be) but affects a page's screen width.

In the linked project and demo, it appears that when you expand and reduce (fingers swipe apart, finger swipe together) any images/text object are reduced to only a small party of the screen rather going back to filling the screen at the expected display width.

Play with the Demo on some different mobile device and you might understand what I am trying to say a bit better. Change between Home and Page 1.

Home has the Bookmark just outside the WWB design area and Page1 does not have a Bookmark at all. I have used a Samsung Tablet, HTC 6" Mobile telephone and an iPad Pro to test this issue. - Bookm ... nWidth.wbs
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Re: Mobile Device Screen Width when using Bookmark

Post by crispy68 »

In a floating layout a flex container or layout grid can be a bookmark itself. There is no need to use the bookmark object. This will give you better control.
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Re: Mobile Device Screen Width when using Bookmark

Post by code2 »



Understand the Layout and Flex Container are their own bookmarks. I was trying to do something special with a fixed header by trying to force a menu selection to go to top of page without reloading the page. That part is not working anyway.

But, I just wasn't expecting that swipe behaviour on mobile device.
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Re: Mobile Device Screen Width when using Bookmark

Post by Pablo »

Play with the Demo on some different mobile device and you might understand what I am trying to say a bit better
This is logical behavior. Because if you place the bookmark outside the viewport then it will make the viewport larger/wider.

Also, note that if you put the bookmark at a fixed/absolute position then this may not be correct when the rest of the layout is flexible.
So, if you really want to use a separate bookmark then it needs to be inside one of the layout grids.
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