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Hi samcim. Very nice site.... exept for the first part you enter. This header/landing part stretches out of the side-boundries...
In desktop view... have not checked on smartphone...
I like the way the site looks and flows; from color and logo to the overall design.
2 problems glared at me right away though.
1- Your main visual gets cut off on smaller screens (make your screen smaller to see). The map, "route optimized", "5 places" ...this all gets cuts off.
Below that, all seems OK and responsive.
2- " provides a unique simplified Transportation...." This portion kinda defines and explains who you are and what you do.
I think it should be redesigned for clarity. It's too quiet and easy to scroll past... a note from the owner. This information is KEY and I fell it's undermined.
I also think this portion should be rewritten some. Example: " provides a unique simplified Transportation dispatch software, that has a proven concept of saving time, money and staying organized by delegating work efficiently, keeping a solid communication between the company, drivers, and customers; with a centralized all-in-one user-friendly Transportation solution, to automate every part of your workflow"
The sentence structure and word choice makes it harder to read and discern than needed...and when thats the sentence that defines who you are; that's bad.
I kind of like everything about your site and software, but I've been in logistics and I'm not sure how your software get implemented, by whom, what type of company it applies to, who is your target market...
Just below the "Customer Portal with Shipment Tracking"
The "Sign Up Free" button on hover the back ground changes to white which should be static blue just like the other ones.
I am not sure if it is visible to others too. On the home page when I click on "Pricing" and "Contact" in the menu, the page scrolls but the heading Pricing and Contact is partially covered by the header.
Check the new Chat GPT and Malware detect extensions at the link below
@p-murray Although samcim was "Last active:Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:40 pm" to simply answer for him in his absence yes it was made with WYSIWYG Web Builder.