I have a substantial collection of private extensions that include demos, try-outs, and extensions created for my personal projects. However, most of these extensions are not documented, and some are too limited for general use.
Every now and then, I review the list and choose one of these extensions to make it 'user-friendly' and release it as either a free or paid extension (depending on how much time I have put into the project).
This week I have picked 'DuckDuckGo Search' from my collection.
DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.
This extension adds a search form to your website powered by DuckDuckGo. It has lots of option to control the appearance and style of the search results.
More information
WYSIWYG Web Builder 18
You can also download the new extension via the Extension Manager: Menu->Tools->Extension Manager->Online Gallery->Miscellaneous
This (free) extension is from my private collection. It is provided "AS IS".
Please read the included documentation for help.