My new site
Forum rules
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This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
2) Do not Promote your website on somebody elses thread.
3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
4) Do not say anything negative or mean about somebody's site. Constructive criticism is great and encouraged, but being deliberately nasty will not be tolerated.
5) Do not post any site that is not created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
6) Do not BUMP your post unnecessarily/repetitively.
7) Do not speak/type in another language than English. That way everyone can understand you.
PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST or your post may be deleted!
This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
2) Do not Promote your website on somebody elses thread.
3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
4) Do not say anything negative or mean about somebody's site. Constructive criticism is great and encouraged, but being deliberately nasty will not be tolerated.
5) Do not post any site that is not created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
6) Do not BUMP your post unnecessarily/repetitively.
7) Do not speak/type in another language than English. That way everyone can understand you.
My new site
Hi. Me new site (WWB18)
Web Designer and Digital Marketing :
Re: My new site
Very clean - I guess for the audience it is good. I feel it is too much like a cloned template - Something that I personally have issues with but it works for you. Well-done!
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
Re: My new site
Хороший сайт! Отличная работа! Респект!
A good website! Great job! Respect!
A good website! Great job! Respect!
- wwonderfull
- Posts: 1556
- Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:27 am
- Contact:
Re: My new site
The website looks similar to the ones you had made before which looks nice as always. It has the russian aesthetic nice and simple, modern yet classic and informative the design. But I thought you would have practiced more responsive webdesign to improve the skill not the design this same design I think could have been done in responsive grids.
Use the features wwb has so it can be taken to aspire people on how wwb has the great ability to make any kind of difficult design which can be achieved through responsive webdesign.
Use the features wwb has so it can be taken to aspire people on how wwb has the great ability to make any kind of difficult design which can be achieved through responsive webdesign.