My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Issues related to forms.
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My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Webloco »

I've created a form in a layer. I have created the same form in a layoutgrid and it works (unfortunately, my form has to be in a layer not in a layoutgrid) Please, can someone here share a form in a layer that works.

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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by BaconFries »

If you require help can you please share a "Demo" project of your .wbs when doing so remove all and any extensions used.
See the following:How do I share my project to get help? reading from How do you share your project file?

Note for a user here to be able to share a Demo project of a form made in a Layer (.wbs) it requires that the .wbs is made with the same version of the software. Meaning any demo made with WB19 cannot be opened in earlier versions such as WB18, 17 or earlier as they are not compatible.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Pablo »

All forms works the same, no matter in which container you are using it. It is the same form code.
So, if it does not work then there is most likely a difference in your settings.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Webloco »

Here's a link to the form and a link to the wbs. when using the form, it gets back with a success page, but the email is never sent.
I really appreciate your help on this.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by BaconFries »

Please see the following Forms FAQ reading from "How can I make sure the 'from address' in the email message is the entered email in the form"
If the email is not sent then it generally means a configuration on the server please also see the from the link above
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Pablo »

Please see the FAQ "Emails are not arriving in my inbox" ... 10&t=32967
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Webloco »

My hosting provider is GoDaddy. It supports PHP. Version 8.2.23 is installed.
I have used the Form Wizard and selected template from there and NOTHING.
The only one that works is when I make the form in a layoutgrid.
I've been working on this for five days, checking every single parameters and NOTHING.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Pablo »

As I mentioned in my previous reply. All forms work the same. So, it one does not work then the settings must be different. The generate script is 100% the same for all types of forms, when using the same settings.

If you need further assistance then please provide more details as noted in the FAQ.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Webloco »

Conclusion: email forms only works in layoutgrid.
I event tested the form_demo that you posted here:

And only the demo in the layoutgrid works, the other one doesn't.
I've seen many users having the same problem. It's a bug.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Pablo »

I'm sorry, but your conclusion is not correct.
Forms work the same in all containers.
I am sure all other users will confirm this.

I think your settings are invalid.
If you need further assistance then please provide more details as noted in the FAQ.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Webloco »
Here you have a link to download a form-demo which I downloaded and tested them. Only the one in the layoutgrid works. So it seems that the other has invalid settings? They were tested in the same server.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by BaconFries »

@Webloco your conclusions are wrong! Forms have worked without the use or the need to use a Layout Grid as one. Any issues are related to user configuration in the settings they use. If you think it is a "Bug" prove it by creating a "Form" from scratch in one page then in a second create one within a Layout Grid each must have identical settings and then share the project for viewing... You should note you can only have one "Form" on a page at onetime for it to work.
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Re: My form in a Layer doesn't work.

Post by Pablo »

The software has only one form script and it used by all containers (form, layer, layout grid, flex box etc).
The only difference is the layout, but this will not affect how the form works. You can easily verify this, by looking at the generated code. The same settings for each container will result in the same PHP code.

And yes, the settings of different examples are different. These are just examples.
The actual settings depends on the server configuration, so the examples will not work straight away because each server requires a different configuration.
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